Thursday, September 19, 2019

And The Whisper Says

And so the whisper says
And I see the people compacted
The range of body space contracted
The memory redacted

But the leaves of the tree let go
Like future porn, falling like snow
Don't you feel it. Denatured dentures flow

Into a pocket, into the so
So, so it goes
Trembling sleep flies in the face of hidden clocks
Flying time, held desperately
Fingers clasped fruitlessly against the
Gravity and water

The tumult, the sliding seen
The accretion of self sentiments
Then rocks forming and grinding
Dust to dust
From one star system to the next

Glory beholden through yawning expanses of time
Met and dreamt, marked and marbled

The trinkets of eternity
Clicking and scored
For the game of progress

Progression idealized and lost

We find ourselves in the darkening mist