Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Tattoo Tale


Would this look good on my skin?


Unknown said...

marking up skin is for people who really don't like skin..but that's just me. I do think a major life event might be work a small tatoo, but other than that, I am against em and think they are ugly..but that's just me.

Unknown said...

"might be work"? I don't know what I meant to say there. Perhaps "Might warrant"

leomange said...

i know how you love elton john's "rocket man," but a tattoo? that's some dedication!

Helskel said...

yeah, I sooo love elton john.

So much, that I would do him the kindness of flushing.

(cause he's shit, get it!?!?)


I rule!

BirdMadGirl said...

I like it H... The bold lines would look great on your skin. And unlike your friend, Mr Bob - I'm all about the tatts. But to each their own :)