I’m meaning to apply.
I’m outing myself to find about
Why the Red Sky’s I.
Trying to give time,
To the subscrivener,
To the heart’s circulation.
It is the evening
Of our tomorrow.
Striving not to fear
The scarecrow’s wizened grimace,
For the world’s singed wings beat a straight line
From me to where your breath hangs still.
Beseeching you to dream yourself
In light,
Held gently
In a sea of suns.
Old Einny knew the aether
Holds all separation
As one.
We can feel faster than photons.
And with the flick of ash,
Our trials have begun,
2007, 2008, 3, 2, 1
Embrace the noble face,
And name what you will.
Your words have a heaviness to them that resognates within me and feels similar to the anxious strain I've been brewing inside me with the coming year and all of the changes ahead.
But thank God there's You.
...futon island...
...and beer.
ah shucks
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