Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Give Us An Analogy George!

Thought I'd post an excerpt from my man, George Ure...
on the subject of the why our money system is blowing.


Just to make the discussion of unsound money and how the scam works really clear in academic terms, suppose we set up a closed multi-agent system with two players. (Sound's Ivy League'ish, huh?).

Each has $10 dollars. No more money can be created. None.

Agent 1 has a piece of land, Agent 2 has a shovel.

Now, Agent 1 borrows the shovel from Agent 2 at an agreed value of $5 and an interest rate of 50% per day. Agent 1 then uses the borrowed $5 shovel to put in a garden. He puts in magnificent magic beans that grow overnight. $5 worth of beans, in fact. The next day, he wants to sell the crop to Agent 2 for $5.

Before the sale, Agent 1 has: His original $10, a $5 shovel and $5 worth of beans. ($20 total) But he owes $5 for the shovel and $2.50 of interest.

But here's where it gets dicey: The banksters would argue that creation of a crop 'creates value' and therefore more money should be printed and poured into the system. "What wrong with that?" you wonder?

If we agree to the fiat money scam, the part which none of the banksters ever answer (it's sleight of hand, you see) is to answer the question where do we 'inject' the money?

Do we allow Agent 2 to print it up so he can buy the beans?

That would give Agent 2 "Free money", right, and the only thing he's done is printed money!!!

Well, that's exactly how the global fractional reserve banking scam works. Agent 2 is allowed to (wink wink, nudge nudge) constantly printing up money on the excuse that it's needed to offset the 'value created' by all this magic bean farming.

But, why isn't the farmer printing up money? I mean, he's doing the value creation, right? "Oh no!" scream the banksters. "He's got the value of his beans and besides Agent 2 needs to be able to buy beans for food! It's a social necessity!"

See how the bankster spin works? In the evnd, all of us (Agent 1-types who produce value) accept the notiong that Agent-2 types (banksters) have some right to print up paper money and thus over time end up in total control of the economic system.

They live in a scared spitless state, hoping no one will wake up to the sleight of hand about where money is 'injected' into the system. "We need to inject money to offset the value of the crop" is their argument., Well, horse puckey.

I've had lots of economic wizards try to explain why Agent 2 should be allowed to print up money for just lending his shovel and how Agent 2 isn't engaging in sleight of hand by claming the right to print money!

Here's the real deal: In a closed economic system the land and shovel have equal value, and Agent 1 borrows the shovel for his whole $10, leaving him with a shovel, land and no cash while Agent 2 has $20 and nothing else. When the crop comes in Agent 1 sells half to Agent 2 for $10 and retains ownership of the shovel. In this way, the producers over time roll into control of the non-producers.

This outlines the threat posed by sound in stark relief. In order for the non-producers to get the upper hand, they must be the sole proprietors of the printing press. By what Right!!???!!!???

Nevertheless, this is exactly what's going on in the world today. It's why government must grow, purchasing power must be watered down, and the producers power crushed. We're all renting shovels and letting the non-producers print money. This has only one inevitable outcome. You lose the house and your job and you get hoodwinked out of all of your life's work because the Agent-2 types have a grand scam going.

There, don't you feel better now?

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