Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Pieces of Tall

I see us walking the same daily paths
To and from the train station
Like tall ships of old
Driven by schedules and need
Pushing rain and sun before us
Manned by the multitude of small things
Self contained Cells stacked high
Brandishing legs and hands and eyes

We move through the self same
Shipping lanes
Never questioning the captain on high
Atop the spine, behind the micro faces
We throw
Greetings and good nights
To the other tall ships in passing

Do we know what lurks in our bellies
Of cargo, and bilge, and ballast
What subtle signals writ large from our lives
Find others' lives
Sweeping by casually concentrating
Watchful for rogue waves

Silent virtues of the civilized
Brushing by each other apologetically

I see us traveling alone
Together home
And away again