Thursday, February 19, 2009

Outside Inside

outside inside

Outside Inside

The cat cries and I
Leave the room.

Tonight is all.
As ever any moment we see,
Is all there ever Is.

Again, as always,
I hate to sound fatalistic.
But for the mere fact,
I am mortal.

Pain is Beauty.

It is an unfortunate factor
(and probably some mathematical integer,
widely used in the metaphysical disciplines of the future);
That we conscious,
Find the simplest path to a Beauty Focus
Only when surviving the Pain of the moment.

Perhaps it is a burden of too much seeing,
Too much scope.

This burden denies us true panoramic vision
As it seeks to prevent our minds from madness.

To see all is to not have an eye.

Most of our moment of memories must
Rely upon individual givens.

The eye is truly I.

So darkness begets light begets darkness,
In a Camphoric code of unintelligible morse,
As we blink the days by.

There is no plateau.

We exist as simple beings,
Blind to our eyes,
To our inherent complexity.

1 comment:

BirdMadGirl said...
